Jolly Good Form

1943 Cactus

On the right, we see Charles Umlauf, Professor of Life Drawing and Sculpture, during his first year of teaching at the University of Texas. While you may not be familiar with his name, chances are you have heard of one of his art major students, Farrah Fawcett, who called Umlauf her “favorite professor.” Understandably, she posed for him as a muse, as well as sculpted on her own. Here they are in his studio, during a very stripey 1971.

Below is the bronze bust of a feathery Fawcett, made by Umlauf.

10 thoughts on “Jolly Good Form”

  1. What a coincidence. Farrah was my “muse” too back then. I’m pretty sure a lot of young guys had that famous poster of her in their rooms – to help with the musing doncha know. To this day I never miss any post that contains the words “bust” and “Farrah Fawcett.” As for Umlauf, I though that was a German diacritical mark. Wait, that’s an umlaut. Sorry.

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