Big Yellow Taxi

Aug 1949
Aug 1949

This Oldsmobile isn’t a taxi, but it sho nuff is taxi cab yellow. Look how sleek! How rich people on horses wave to rich people in cars! How swag that dog is! No seatbelts!

Why, even simple Delores can operate heavy machinery because there’s no confusing clutch. All she has to do is simply coordinate her headband, jacket, and skirt, don some white gloves, curl her hair, and slip into the bench seat to drive to Vegas and bet on the ponies like the old man used to do. Gas it, Delores!


10 thoughts on “Big Yellow Taxi”

  1. You know those horse people are rich because they are riding English. Boo. We ex-ranch hands know Western is the best (ern). My first car was a 1949 Chevy, still one of my faves. I miss 3 on the tree, roll down windows, the hi-beam button on the floor, the….okay, now I’m starting to really sound old.

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