Bringing Back The Jim-Dandy

1960 Renault
1960 Renault

Back in the day, a lady stood inside a car to show off her assets to passers-by.

60Reveille011A lady could also sit in the back of a car and wave, “What’s up, peons?” like these Dixie Belle nominees, but 1963 wasn’t the best year for riding around in convertibles. I take it the day was humid.

1963 Float Parade
1963 Float Parade

Cars were great for going to the drive-in, as Guinn and Wanda would attest.


Have you ever visited a Jim Dandy? I insist that we all strive to bring back the term “jim-dandy,” which means most excellent or a superior example. Ex: I did a jim-dandy job of writing this post today.

14 thoughts on “Bringing Back The Jim-Dandy”

  1. As performed marvelously decades ago by Black Oak Arkansas: “Jim Dandy to the rescue … ” Before your time, probably, Kerbey, but then again, look at the photos you write about!


  2. You are so right, if we were to look “Jim Dandy” up in the dictionary, this post would be looking back at us. At first I thought you were bringing back the Jim Beam, but dandy is better because it won’t give you a headache.


  3. I actually use (occasionally) “Jim Dandy” in writing and speech. I also still use ‘groovy’.
    Catch a lot of WTF? looks.
    Great photos. Great post.


      1. ‘far out’ Now there is one I have let slip from my vernacular. Gonna use it today on my British GF. She will probably smack me upside the head. She says I only use ‘groovy’ when I’m drinking. This is so not true.


Observation and Interpretation: