Granddad’s Monthly Test #1

My granddad Bill was born in 1920. Wasn’t he a happy toddler? As a child of The Depression, he tended to hoard things–things others might toss without batting an eye. Much of it was unnecessarily saved, but among his piles of things salvaged were monthly tests. Today I share one that he took in 1930, just after he turned 10 years old.

I hope that you have found this interesting. You can see how children only 9 and 10 were already learning about Fascism before they ever learned about Hitler. One wonders if children nowadays are so aware of their political system. Actually, one is certain they are not. They are busy playing Fortnite. Perhaps I will share more of these in the future, as a testament to the lives of those in The Greatest Generation.


11 thoughts on “Granddad’s Monthly Test #1”

      1. Really. I knew it was under debate but I did not realize they did it. Another reason to take school out of Fed hands. If Educational malfeasance were kept in local hands it may cut down on its deterioration.

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  1. There is no longer a law in Indiana authorizing cursive but it is still allowed and approximately 20% of schools teach it. How long will it be before typing goes the way of the Dodo? Now we have all of these voice activated devices, doesn’t seem too far a leap before everyone dictates into their PC and the written word appears. As if by magic.

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    1. I have those same concerns. They all have to type but there are no typing classes so they don’t learn the correct way to do it. My son speaks everything into his Alexa and she turns on all his lights and music. And very few of them read books. That’s what makes me very sad. I used to love book stores and have to limit my selections but he can never find any book at all that he enjoys. Perhaps I am lazy as well. I talk text into my phone constantly because it’s easier then maneuvering thumbs.

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      1. I know what you mean. I loved book stores but don’t even remember the last time I saw one. I do text,awkwardly, that voice stuff makes me self conscious. I guess as long as we have Crayola and paper we will be literate.

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  2. What a wonderful archive and a window into everyday life in times past. Your grandfather was a wee cutie. My maternal Granddad (who was my favourite human on the planet when I was wee) was born in 1926 and wartime rationing meant he hoarded things that could prove useful, all neatly and tidily, but there were still boxes full of lengths of string to get rid of when he died. My kids are actually pretty engaged in current affairs, partly because my husband and I are but also because they find it interesting. They helped me cram for my citizenship tests so they know a lot more about US history and civics than most of their peers do. What they cannot do is write neatly. Their handwriting is awful, legible but awful. That I absolutely do blame on computers and other technology.

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    1. I so enjoy hearing about your granddad as well. I love your way with words (wee cutie). I can see how string is not something one might to pass on to future generations LOL. I bet your sons have a head up on their peers.

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