Bus Etiquette: Civilized vs. Liberated

Science For Work & Play
Science For Work & Play

Once upon a time, elementary school boys wore ties to school–natty ones which matched their hunter green socks. Global warming and aspartame had not caused ADD yet, so children sat perfectly still, carrying on conversations void of uncouth words. They were well-mannered and neither stood in the aisles nor threw spitballs at their bus drivers. Was this just a fantasy?

A generation later, the bus was brimming with free love, altered states, lewd bare arms, and sunglasses to disguise dilated pupils. One young man even attempted to punch his way through the roof in an ill attempt at a glass ceiling metaphor. I can smell the patchouli from here.

1974 El Rancho
1974 El Rancho

Which bus would you rather ride?

12 thoughts on “Bus Etiquette: Civilized vs. Liberated”

  1. I’d rather ride the first one and darn tootin’ I want my kids on the first one, too. Their buses are so awful. Clare’s was stopped en route today as boys in the back were goofing around with a condom. Uggh. Sounds like there’s smoking and punching and all sorts of awful going on. Going to be an obnoxious parent and call in. Taxpayers $$ and all that.

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