12 thoughts on “Faceracker”

  1. you can see their futures in their faces. The jokster lone female framing her face, sailor man to her left, etc. Where are they all now do you suppose?


    1. Okay, I won’t say nursing homes because they would only be about 78 yrs old. Assisted living perhaps? Just kidding. Well, statistically half of them would still be in Indiana, right? I do like that girl’s eyebrow. The sailor married his 4th and much-younger wife 15 yrs ago and had an “oops” baby. The one with his hand on his hip owns a landscaping business. The scrawny one did some jail time, but that was decades ago.


      1. Hahaha!

        Actually that was the main reason we hustled pool. There were three of us, all under age, but we would go to the bars ‘Across the River” into Oklahoma. Back then those river honky-tonks would serve anyone tall enuff to reach the bar. I was fourteen.

        My father had purchased a pool table for the family the year before and instead of doing my school work I would load up five or six albums on my record player and practice my game until the all played through.


      2. Yep. Fourteen. I had no curfew that could be made to stick. My parents had adopted a rather laissez-faire approach to parenting. I generally ran wild: maybe call it ‘raised by wolves’.


Observation and Interpretation: