15 thoughts on “Looking Fabulous At A Jobsite”

  1. Bwahaha! We have vilified beer in our modern world but did you know that back centuries ago in Europe, beer was the liquid of choice at every meal. Our knowledge of micro-organisms was non-existent so the water was often not safe to drink but the brewed beer always was safe. Also many did hard physical work for a living and beer replaces electrolytes lost through sweating. In a body with the metabolism cranked from heavy labor, the alcohol was burnt off fast and had less effect. And even when it did leave a buzz, sometimes their lives were so dark that it was a welcome . if brief, respite.

    That beer on the table would be better off in the stomachs of the workmen behind them rather than the suits pouring it. 😀

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  2. Beer is an amazing food. I like the idea of having a picnic at the home site. Beer,cold cuts and potato salad. Just make sure to bring some beer for the workers after the house is finished. You know. To show your appreciation. And to drink more beer.

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  3. Haha, couldn’t help but laugh at loud upon seeing “America’s beverage of moderation!” Ha!

    I have to say that lady looks fantastic in a red jacket! Most people do! 🙂

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  4. Free to pursue a mid-day beer buzz! Everybody join in: This land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to the New York Island. From the Redwood Forests, to the Gulf Stream wa-a-a-ters, This land was made for your and me! I felt like a good group sing. Thanks, Kerbey.

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  5. Hey, it cut out my lyrics! “This land is your land, this land is my land, from California, to the New York Island. From the Redwood Forests, to the Gulf’s clean wa-a-a-ters, this land was made for you and me!”

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