33 thoughts on “Long Lost Scene From “Bosom Buddies””

  1. I never did “get” Bosom Buddy”. It just seemed like an excuse for 2 guys to dress in drag and try some racy jokes. Now. What are the two Sisters doing? I can see Laverne and Shirley dressing as nuns for some wacky reason. The period I Love Lucy was aired in that would probably not fly with the censors.


    1. I bet you’re right, if they couldn’t show her pregnant. You couldn’t make fun of anything religious. Well, it’s not a wheelbarrow, so I guess they weren’t burying any bodies. Laverne & Shirley would have screwed it up one way or another.

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      1. Of course. That is what made that silly show so successful. That thing the sisters are using looks like a lawn roller. That heavy tool folks used after seeding a lawn. Did nuns also subcontract as gardeners?


      2. Maybe it’s a Canadian thing. I’ll have to ask my Canadian readers why they work their nuns to death. All the gardening around here gets done by…nevermind. I better go water our grass.

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      3. Those are Quebec nuns – they are tough. They likely built the buildings behind as well. The device looks like a hand powered steam roller – the “wheel” seems solid steel from side to side. The platform maybe can be used to add weight or as a means of hauling brick or construction materials.

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      4. The priests are tending to the flock. There’s an awful temptation to say something nasty here but lead me not unto temptation – I can find it well enugh on my own. Ha!


    1. Being young, I thought it was funny, but I the premise was silly. It did seem formulaic; tall pretty blonde, short schlubby brunette, sassy black friend. It’s kind of like Superman and Clark Kent; how do people NOT KNOW it’s them in disguise? I hope you never take your glasses off, or I’ll be so confused.


  2. Or “The Flying Nun,” Kerbey.

    I could see Sally Field and Mother Superior trying to push these babies around inside the convent walls.

    OK, I followed all the comments about the Canadian nuns doing the heavy lifting and the arched eyebrows and inuendo about what the flock the priests were doing at the moment …

    Yet after this chore, it was the poor sisters who were left with the dirty habits, no?


    1. Aha! Dirty habits indeed! Why did no one think of that? I would trade my flying nun days in for a ride in a Trans Am with Burt Reynolds any day. If it were still the 1970s, I mean. Not now. I don’t think Canadian nuns are allowed to lust. And they wear a wimple under the habit. Did you know that?


Observation and Interpretation: