Well, They Were Right About Black Tuesday

Only two weeks after the stock market plummet of Black Tuesday (not to be confused with the upcoming Black Friday), Current Events newspaper was already trying to determine how history would look back upon the crash of the stock market and beginning of what would later be termed The Great Depression.

My Granddad Bill kept this paper from when he was nine years old. Here is the cover of the weekly that was used by students across America.

While the optimism was admirable, they seemed to believe the worst of the effects would be limited to 1929, rather than a depression that would carry them all the way into the second World War. But such is the hindsight allowed in only a handful of days. The Roaring Twenties would roar no more.


6 thoughts on “Well, They Were Right About Black Tuesday”

  1. Wow, that’s interesting, it seems funny looking back on it with hindsight that they wouldn’t realize how far it would go, but then it’s never easy to see when you’re right in the middle of it! (And what a sad gif to go with it haha)

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