13 thoughts on “Watermelon Sugar High”

  1. The watermelons are nearly as big as the little girl😂 Love these old photos especially when they are wearing a shirt and tie/bow tie, they all look so smart.

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  2. From everyone’s dress it makes me think this is a scene from after church, After service a family feast followed by watermelon on the lawn. Outside to cut down on cleanup.

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      1. (cringing) unlike the husband, i’ve never been a big fan of watermelon. it’s so messy and i do not spit seeds, as spitting is unladylike. i never even liked watermelon Jolly Ranchers when they were all the rage. if i am offered in a social situation, i will eat it. so no, i have not tried the wine. but any flavor of craft beer in a bar, um, yes. i take it you have not?


Observation and Interpretation: