12 thoughts on “Getting Jiggy On What Would Have Been Mr. Rogers’s 90th Birthday”

    1. Oh, he was! So encouraging and kind. And take it from a girl who just got back from an hour jog and is in sweaty clothes, it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. 😉

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      1. Well, the docs say it’s bad on my torn discs, but I’m overweight and enjoy the fresh air, so I do it anyway. I can do the same route in just over an hour every time, past a middle school and mobile homes, two churches from the 1860s, and my chiropractor’s office (always hoping he doesn’t see me). My knees and back will be angry tonight.


  1. Kerby I am impressed. It takes quite a bit of discipline to follow an exercise program. I have one I am supposed to follow every day but sometimes the stars just don’t properly align.

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