Chicago World’s Fair 1934

Back in 1933, my grandfather wrote away for information about the upcoming 1934 World’s Fair. Today I opened the brochures inside the envelope. He was only a teenager at the time, so the idea of travelling from Kansas to the World’s Fair must have been intriguing. I doubt he wound up going.

Various “circle tours” were listed, including these:

Included was a list of all the sites and sounds to enjoy. 

Zooming in, you can see the variety, from tiremaking and Neon tubes to midgets to Mayans!

All aboard the sightseeing, streamlined Greyhound bus!

11 thoughts on “Chicago World’s Fair 1934”

  1. I love this stuff, Kerbey! Did your grandfather go? Those excursion are pretty cool. I think I’ve done all of them in some form from my years as a New Yorker and Marylander. Not at those prices, ha! Meals excluded was an interesting catch, though. Buck a meal? Less?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a treasure, and the prices. I bet the bus ride from KC to Chi was a treat back then. Did your Grandpa go? I bet he had some stories. You know the men wore suits and always had hats.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! I wish I could have been around then just to experience this event (and then ride the hound all over for under $100!).

    True story: I went to the 1964 World’s Fair in New York. I signed up at the Parker Pen Pavilion where one could get a foreign pen pal and, luck of the draw, I got a Japanese girl assigned to me as a pen pal.

    Aiko-san and I corresponded briefly and then drifted away but my fascination with Japan endured and I think that’s maybe why I have spent the last 40+ years with my Japanese bride, the infamous Alpha Japanese Female.

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  4. WOW What an awesome piece of history that you own. How fantastic though it must of been for your grandfather to dream about seeing so many incredible things all in one place. Thanks for sharing this, I really enjoyed it.

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  5. Those fairs intrigue me – we don’t really have anything like that now. So exciting, cutting edge. It all seems bizarre now. Regarding the copy – how times have changed. Not a stitch of white space.

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