It’s My Gift In A Box

Redskin48-016Good morning! Today is my birthday, and it started off with a gift from my husband, sans chimp-hands.

I got my first birthday greeting at the crack of dawn.

Redskin48-019The mailman had scads of birthday cards for me (crossing my fingers there’s no glitter; I hate hate hate glitter!)

Redskin48-014My girls are coming over to fix me up, Sandra Dee style.

Redskin48-018A fabulous party is planned for the noon hour.

Redskin48-024Toasts will be made in my honor.

Redskin48-020In fact, the entire state will raise their hats to me.

Redskin48-021And when the sun goes down, the hub and I may throw caution to the wind and share a bottle of unpasteurized milk.

Redskin48-015We know how to party.


*All pictures are from the 1948 Oklahoma A&M College yearbook.

29 thoughts on “It’s My Gift In A Box”

  1. It’s really your Birthday? Well Happy Birthday. I hope you get a bunch of cards,none with glitter and all of your presents are things you want. And surely you can celebrate with something better than milk. Well Happy Birthday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, ’tis! Thanks. My coffee has already been better than milk. Riesling is chilling. I had a dark chocolate lemon black pepper bar last night, and it was oddly delicious. I have plans to change out of pajama bottoms at some point and maybe do laundry. Whoo-hoo!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hendle said it best–the world would be so much less interesting without you, Kerbey 🙂 Though from the looks of your photos, you’re doing quite well today. Woke up to that early a.m. calling looking a bit frumpy and then you cleaned up pretty good. Positively stunning by the time the p.m. dairy break rolled around.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Biiiiiiiiiiirthday deeeeeear Kerbeeeeeeeey, Happy Birthday to you!

    I was thinking of keeping up my string of YouTube clips and really singing to you but didn’t want deliver you figurative sour milk, my dear friend. 🙂 ❤

    Thanks for giving us this great present on your big day. So how did you find a Kerbey beauty look-alike in the Sandra Dee photo?

    Enjoy your Reisling night with the hubby, because you deserve it. And also, aaall we are is duuuuust in the wiiiiiiiiiiind. Love that Kansas, right?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy Birthday Kerbey! You have my permission to stay in your jammies all day. Fun photo post – I see all the girls were wearing their best cowboy boots. And your girls have done you up real fine for your special day. Hope it is jus a taste of the good days to come.

    Liked by 1 person

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