17 thoughts on “Burnt Cashew Darts”

  1. Well Kerbey, interesting you should publish this particular picture – it has deep temporal and metaphoric meaning for Canadians right now. Let me tell you. A little less than two years ago the second largest retailer in the free world marched into Canada to make its mark. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/international-business/us-business/target-killing-canadian-operations/article22458161/ Last week, after losing over $2 billion in operations and a total of $7 billion, they declared bankruptcy and commenced closing the 133 stores they had opened nationwide.

    This, of course, was Target Stores, now a study in business schools on the largest entry loss of any retailer in Canadian history. So, at one point there will be a night of reckoning for Target – we’ll call it Target Tonight and it will be dark, so very dark. And it will come when the executive is called before the shareholders to explain how they just lost $7 billion dollars of hard-earned shareholder money in two years. In a small backwood country like Canada. And in the deepest darkest corners of the US, possibly in Kentucky where the bourbon is fine and unexplainable things occurr in the night and no questions are asked, the shareholders will imbibe the bourbon and they will remove the testicles from the executives, roast said testicles, afix them to the ends of darts, line up the executives in front of a dart board and commence throwing the adorned darts at each and every one who participated in the abomination that was supposed to be their victorious entry into Canada. The Executive shall go down in the anals (not a typo for annals) of business history as a group known as Target For Tonight. And never again shall their names be spoken in the smokey backrooms of commerce lest it be in a low whisper of fear as an example of the dangers of extreme shareholder revenge.

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    1. Well, that is indeed why I posted it. I wish you would open up and really vent your feelings, Paul. LIke a pistachio free from his shell. I get the impression that you are angry with Target. I have not enjoyed Target myself for years, so you will hear no argument from me about your small socialist backwoods country. My reason, other than feeling raped for exorbitantly high priced crap, is that they don’t play music.

      Every time I am forced to take my son to said red place (the color of communism) to use up his gift cards given for bdays and holidays, I find employees and management and tell them that a cemetery has better ambience than Target, that I would throw down a lot more cash if I could simply hum a festive tune instead of walking through a zombieland of quiet. I should be quite thrilled if Target closed its doors here! So consider your polite selves fortunate indeed. And by the way, last week at a hamburger place, I hit the bullseye dead center with a dart. So if you need my help affixing testicles to them, I can.


      1. Ha! Well said Kerbey. Target had everthing going for them here. There were even many Canadians who regularly crossed the border and loved Target. From the very first day they opened, they were tyold by the customers and commenters taht their prices were too high and they had too many stock outs – empty shelves. For almost 2 years they were told the same thing. They were so arrogant and so sure of themselves that they refused to listen. They spent about $200 per person ($7 billion dollars) in Canada establishing themselves here.And now they still won’t admit their issues – which could have easyl been fixed if they weren’t so damned arrogant. Now they are leaving, which will result inhigher prices here as our retailers will feel safe now – and there will be 17,000 jobs lost – jobs we need. i’ll pick you up Kerbey and we can travel to Kentucky to help de-nut those arrogant (did I mention they were arrogant?) bastards.

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      2. So are there no Wal-Marts there? You must have somewhere to buy cheap things that break within a couple of months. Or Dollar Stores? Those are places where everything is a dollar. That’s not arrogant. 🙂


    2. Oh yeah, we have Wal-marts and dollar stores (many are now $1.25 – but same idea) by the gazillion. Wal-mart is often criicized for their foreign buying policies and for their huge impact on local stores but i have dealt with them in the past – business wise – and they are amazing. It is almost inpossible for local producers to gain access to many of these huge chains, but not Wal-mart. They even have a separate buying category that allows approved puchasing at the local level. So, say you grew tomatoes in your backyard and you always get a surplus and want to sell to your local Wal-mart store . Once the paperwork is done ,you can do exactly that. Wal-mart is very customer sensitive, an unusual trait for a huge chain (actually the largest retail operation in the world). In this manner they have humbled themselves to make room for customer demands. They are very sensitive to the needs of their local community and this has give them an excellent tool for expansion into new countries and markets. Many dislike them but few can criticize their abilities for growing both within a country and in other countries.

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      1. Class, today our guest speaker is Paul, and he is going to share about economics and about how smalltown Sam Walton created the largest retail chain in the world, so that everyone could secure diapers, car tires, a sixpack of beer, and lacy lingerie all in one trip.


  2. You have posted Kentucky bourbon!!!!! I do not care about anything else in the picture–not the darts nor the sausage cashews. Just the bourbon and cherries–Manhattan? Old-fashioned? I am giddy with joy. Thank you for posting 🙂

    (see? childlike enthusiasm)

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  3. One whiskey sour, please and thank you, since we are thankfully off the Target and blissfully onto the cocktails. Festooning sausages on darts is a curious manner of serving appetizers, I think, Kerbey, daring at least one guest to leave bloodied of mouth.

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Observation and Interpretation: